Club Sandwich is an independent annual magazine published in Paris, with bilingual content (French/English). Each issue focuses on a particular food and its cultural and societal representation in various and eclectic fashions. Halfway between a magazine and a book, Club Sandwich shows the multifaceted aspects of its subject as an anthology of informative content infused with humor. With its strong aesthetics, the visuals give rhythm to the publication transforming it into a kind of hybrid that is half journalism, half contemporary art.





︎#1 EGG






  ︎ ︎  

A  P R O J E C T  B Y
Anna Broujean


#4  THE



Did you know:

That most chocolate desserts are inspired by landscapes? That the former Ukrainian president is a Machiavellian chocolate baron? That white chocolate is, above all, a matter of social class? That chocolate can be enjoyed following the same principles of oenology? That many soldiers have chocolate in their ration packs, but for different reasons in various countries? That there are hundreds of unique Kit Kat flavors in Japan? Or that the world economy has always been closely tied to chocolate?

>>> more than 20 articles devoted to chocolate, highlighted by the works of sixty+ artists


Saviez-vous que la plupart des desserts chocolatés s’inspirent des paysages ? Que l’ancien président ukrainien est un machiavélique baron du chocolat ? Que le chocolat blanc est avant tout une affaire de classe sociale ? Que l’on peut déguster le chocolat en suivant les principes de l’œnologie ? Que beaucoup de soldats ont du chocolat dans leur ration de survie - mais pour des raisons différentes selon leur pays ? Qu’il existe au Japon des centaines d’étranges parfums de Kit Kat différents ? Que l’économie est depuis toujours étroitement liée au chocolat ?

>>> plus de 20 articles dédiés au chocolat + le remarquable travail de 60 artistes



176 pages
Format 23,5 x 30 cm
Price : 20 euros

French + English

LAUNCH : end of June 2020

Printed by Escourbiac (France) on  Fedrigoni paper with green foil stamped coverDistributed by Export Press

Club Sandwich is kindly supported by

les grandes Tables & Fedrigoni


Clémence Artur, David Avazzadeh, Roca Balboa, Claire Baldeck, Sharmila Banerjee, Mélissa Blanco, Jean-Baptiste Bonaventure, Elvire Bonduelle, Leïla Boutaam, Anna Broujean, Emmanuel Chirache, Alexander Coggin, Beryl Cook, Dom, Al and Tom Curtis, Parker Day, Mathilde Duraz, Eli Durst, Etrone, Erma Fiend, Brian Galderisi, Robin Garnier, Louis Gary, Lucile Gauvain, Benji Geisler, Jacob Gole, Daniel Gordon, GRODUK & BOUCAR, Émilie Jouan, Delphine Hennelly, Susanna Hofer, Xam van Kempen, Justine Knapp, Johann Koop, Andrew LaMar Hopkins, Pia-Mélissa Laroche, Oh de Laval, Raphaël Lugassy, Chris Maggio, Chase Middleton, Martin Mihál, Anna Mond, Pierre Monjaret, Rebecca Morgan, Flora Mottini, Louise Mutrel, Jonny Negron, Nicolas Nicolini, Marcus Oakley, James Ostrer, GaHee Park, Camille Paulhan, Holly Pilot, Clara Prioux, Mel Ramos, Charlie Roberts, Marie Saraiva, Adelina Sasnauskaité, Reza Shafahi, Jim Shaw, David Shrigley, Monsengo Shula, Elena Subach, Breanne Trammell, Jennifer Trieu, Lisa Vaccino, Diana Lynn VanderMeulen, Paul Waak, Niki Williams, Paul Windle, Karolina Wojtas