Club Sandwich is an independent annual magazine published in Paris, with bilingual content (French/English). Each issue focuses on a particular food and its cultural and societal representation in various and eclectic fashions. Halfway between a magazine and a book, Club Sandwich shows the multifaceted aspects of its subject as an anthology of informative content infused with humor. With its strong aesthetics, the visuals give rhythm to the publication transforming it into a kind of hybrid that is half journalism, half contemporary art.





︎#1 EGG






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A  P R O J E C T  B Y
Anna Broujean



© Based on an image by Daniel Gordon

What is Club Sandwich ?
Club Sandwich is an independent annual magazine published in Paris, with bilingual content (French/English). We are a non profit.

Each issue focuses on a particular food and its cultural and societal representation in various and eclectic fashions. The magazine is not an encyclopedia but rather an anthology of informative content infused with humor. Halfway between a magazine and a book, Club Sandwich shows the multifaceted aspects of its subject and envisions print as a media that needs time to be discovered.

With its strong aesthetics, the visuals give rhythm to the publication transforming it into a kind of hybrid that is half journalism, half contemporary art. 

Our vision
We think that food is a wonderful study subject that lacks accessible academic and theoretical content. In our magazine, you will not find recipes or interviews of chefs: what interets us is the way food goes way beyond the plate and impacts literally everything. Our articles demonstrates that and range from history, sociology and anthropology to economy, politics, pop culture and art.

Pop and colorful, Club Sandwich knows how to be fun and serious at the same time. We want our content to be accessible to everyone, and our articles are both entertaining and unusual.

Our aesthetics

Club Sandwich displays strong aesthetics, with bold and contemporary graphic design. The magazine welcomes both well-known artists and young upcoming artists.

Club Sandwich,
c’est quoi ?
Club Sandwich est une revue papier bilingue (français/anglais) entre magazine et book ; chaque numéro s’intéresse à un aliment et à sa représentation dans la culture, la société et l’art et se propose de le traiter sous des facettes variées et éclectiques. Pop et haut en couleurs, Club Sandwich adopte un ton mi-sérieux, mi-décalé et mêle un concentré d’articles aux angles originaux et amusants, soutenus par des visuels forts et engagés signés par de jeunes artistes prometteurs ou par des artistes internationalement reconnus.

Club Sandwich est une association à but non lucratif (loi 1901).

Notre vision
Selon nous, l’alimentation est un formidable champ d’études qui n’est pas suffisamment invesi de manière théorique. Vous ne trouverez ici ni recettes ni interviews de chefs : ce qui nous intéresse, c’est la manière dont la nourriture s’invite bien au-delà de l’assiette pour contaminer toutes les strates de la société. Club Sandwich regroupe donc des articles politiques, économiques, scientifiques, de sciences sociales ou de pop culture.